In his landmark book, Good to Great, Jim Collins conducted a 20-year research study on what made the difference between a good company and a great one. He found that identifying the competencies and personality factors necessary for the successful completion of any job is the first step in ensuring you get the right person for the job. However, not every company can start from scratch. By using many principals from his book, we at Ruhmann Associates work with companies to assess what areas can be improved from where they are now and ways to move forward. We also provide the tools necessary to help you hire the right person from the start.
If you’ve ever found yourself at work, quietly fuming, asking, ‘Why is this happening to me?’ then you might be falling victim to, well, victim thinking. What about laments such as, ‘When will they train me?’ or, ‘When will that department ever get its’ job right?’ Questions like these are key stumbling blocks when it comes to achieving personal accountability.
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This program really fills a niche in our GE Healthcare leadership curriculum. Many of our leadership programs focus on the “what you need to do” and “how you need to do it” of being a leader. Conversely, this program allows participants to explore the “why” of who they are as a the leader and the “how” their leadership impacts others. It is quite eye-opening for participants!
Joanne Miller
Director of Learning and Development
GE Healthcare – USA
“The assessments available from Ruhmann Associates have made an enormous difference in how we look at our people. We have used them with our current employees to improve our communication and teamwork. I am so impressed with the quality of the information that I have directed that they be administered to every new hire.”
Harry Mashburn, President
Mashburn Construction
Columbia, South Carolina